
Search "user:nogenius"

95 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Best Chess Openings#266

I don't really like the Nimzo or the French, but they're still pretty good openings, the French is only boring if you play it boring. And if the Nimzo has to represent the Indian openings, it deserved…

General Chess Discussion - Best Chess Openings#238

Upvote Sicilian, -2 French. Only because the Caro-Kann isn't on the list. Sicilian Defense - 9 French Defense - 6 Nimzo Indian Defense - 2 English Opening - 7

Lichess Feedback - Should be a draw. #29

#28 Does this undermine your argument slightly?

Lichess Feedback - Should be a draw. #24

#15 if you have a pawn, there's a sequence of moves where you give mate. It doesn't matter what else is in the position, because it's assumed the flagged player will cooperate. So in the position with…

Lichess Feedback - Should be a draw. #14

@ #11 I disagree, if "an unforced mating sequence exists" is the rule, black should get the win. It might not always be fair, but at least everyone can understand it, and know why black gets the win. …

Lichess Feedback - Should be a draw. #2

Lichess goes with the rule that if a checkmate's possible (all the moves leading up to it are legal), it counts as a win, even if it would never happen from normal play. Knight vs pawn is kind of tric…

General Chess Discussion - English chess slang question#6

I think it's more gamesmanship (as opposed to sportsmanship). Cheapo tactics is just a swindle attempt, I think.

General Chess Discussion - Is Chess a sport or a game?#20

If golf is a sport, then so is chess.

Lichess Feedback - I-Pad and I-Phone: Engin no works #3

Did you both update to iOS 11? (I think it still works for me, and I'm on iOS 10)

General Chess Discussion - Is it ok to abort 50-70% of corr. games at the start?#21

Over about 243 correspondence games, only about 14 or 15 of the time out wins (which is what usually happens with cheaters) were against players who's account's closed, or says that they cheat. (2 of …
