
How to analyze your own games?

Analyzing your own games is one of the most important things you can do to improve. If you understand, learn and practice that process, you can improve your chess on and on.

Why is that important to analyze your games?
You can ...

  • learn about your own mistakes and avoid them in the next games
  • significantly improve your opening repertoire because those are your games and always your openings
  • figure out what are your weaknesses and work more on them, as well identify your strengths and make them even stronger

How to do that?

  • Pick the game that you want to analyze, download raw PGN (no comments), go to any analysis board, and paste it there. Do not check the engine report!
  • Go through it without any engine's help (you can only use opening explorer to find a better way of playing at the beginning). In important moments make some comments and put some lines - do not hesitate to use chess annotation. In the end, write down your conclusions. Keep that version.
  • Go back to the start and go through the game again, this time with the engine's help. Check every move and every comment that you made with the engine variations and its evaluation. If something was wrong, correct it (keep your comment, just mention what does the engine thinks).
  • Make a summary, what did you do good and what was wrong. Try to think about why did you make those mistakes and how to improve them in the future.

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Common mistakes (do not do them):

  • checking report or engine analysis before you do it on your own
  • not writing down lines and comments, easy to forget about them when you are checking it with the engine
  • some people are using mainly word description, some are putting a lot of lines. They are both important!

In the video below you can see how do I analyze my game: