
alpha zero

@Sarg0n said in #8:
> Which „latest version“? 2018?
> There is the 7-men and parts of the 8-men tablebase. Nothing more.

I don't know maybe Google come with 32-men jeez!

(obviously, it's a nonsense, but it's always good to know which sources are not trustworthy)
Any chess master will be mating most of us by force from move 1 anyway. So it has no impact on me regardless.
Don't spread fake news. It would take supercomputers another century at least to solve chess because chess game is highly complex with about 10^120 positions possible.
@WildTiger said in #12:
> Source?
> (obviously, it's a nonsense, but it's always good to know which sources are not trustworthy)

How on earth it is nonsense, if this is true everything related to chess will be doomed.
If you play yr first move, c4 is BLUNDER, cuz a4 is best move as eg.
There's nothing will called opening.
RIP chess products
Rip chess sites
All of these are some of the consequences as you see.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #14:
> @MohammedElasha
> Don't spread fake news. It would take supercomputers another century at least to solve chess because chess game is highly complex with about 10^120 positions possible.

I just heard this, i couldn't believe it!
I just need support.
@MohammedElasha said in #19:
> Source is my April fool prank hahahaaa

No one got fooled here because no one actually believed solving of chess.
Better fool us with some other idea!

Edit: Grammatical edit!

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