
Best openings to hit 2000-2200?

@FrostFlare said in #9:
> Just spam the london and dont hang pieces and you will get 2000 for free
Just spam any opening where you know more than 5 moves of theory, dont blunder pieces, 2250 is free. Not blundering pieces is the hard part.
not many people are aware of this, but if your only objective is the rating gain, the best way to accomplish that is by only playing trappy openings. statistically and objectively speaking some openings are more superior in this extent, so playing whatever you like or london, albeit it works, isnt the most effective way.

my recommendations for white:
scotch game blumenfeld attack, dragon variation levenfish variation, najdorf variation freak attack or amsterdam variation, french defense milner barry gambit, caro kann defense tal variation, scandinavian defense leonhardt variation

recommendations for black:
sicilian defense o'kelly or pin variation, qgd janowski variation
@Akarsh_2010 said in #11:
> Just spam any opening where you know more than 5 moves of theory, dont blunder pieces, 2250 is free. Not blundering pieces is the hard part.
if 2250 is free... why aren't you 2250+ yet?

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