
Black Lives Matter

Sure, you'll keep finding excuses. I expect nothing else from you. You can look at these videos and think "Nononono, this isn't happening. I'm being tricked here. Something has to be wrong. My convictions about what the police is can't possibly wrong, can they? Oh, I got it. This is all fake. Or edited. But definitely not what I see." It's an amazing talent you have there...
No bias intended... I am not a fan of these compilations of ‘police brutality’ because the editing is so terribly biased. They only show the ‘fight’ scenes and not the scenes leading up to the battle.
I think the only way to know for sure is to be there. But I wouldn’t feel safe out there with all the fires and violence going on.
Yes, bias is never intended. But what do you want from me? There are some videos obvious or long enough that deceptive editing can't be the explanation for the brutality. I can't do more than linking to videos showing exactly what I claim. Your claims about the videos being edited in a way to make the police look bad are unproven.
@JohnLuke090904 But now you're admitting that there is no evidence I could give you that would convince you. Why are you demanding evidence from me when you already know that you won't accept any of it? Sure, if you had started the discussion with "Ok, here's my position and there is mo evidence you can give me to convince me otherwise" you would've looked stupid and rightly so but that's exactly what happened here.
Well I gave my unbiased opinion and you gave yours and they still differ. So that means that maybe there is a different ways to interpret one thing?
@Chillkroete77 I understand and respect your emotion behind this I really do... but you're being misled here. I'm sorry that you're unable to convince me. It's not concrete enough for me to change my point of view not without the full story. You're looking at the Effect and not Cause... You have to admit to yourself something had to have happened.

If I were to get bitten by a rattlesnake, I'm sure there are a few questions leading up to that story. What was I doing? Did I see the Snake? Was I messing with it? What was I doing... that made this Snake almost kill me?

When a Firemen puts out a fire they don't just leave the rubble they sift through the debris - how did it start?

Without that portion of the story I cannot be swayed by one perspective alone.

I can neither confirm nor deny the instance of police brutality.
There can be multiple ways to interpret something. But my interpretation is "These videos show police brutality. It is in a lot of cases obvious that editing can't explain the violence from the police. Yor interpretation is "I see those videos but they must be edited in a deceptive way." It's not really an interpretation, it's just the denial of reality.
@Chillkroete77 I can neither confirm or deny the reality portrayed in the video because I do not have all the facts. It's a completely reasonable and level headed judgement.
@JoJoBonnette But even if I presented you a fifteen minute long video of peaceful protestors and at some point the police start randomly pepper-spraying people, you would still say "No, there must be something out of frame or something that we don't see that provoked the police." It isn't me being misled, it's you shielding yourself from reality.

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