
Play in a Chess World Championship

As per the qualifier regulations (, under 6. Eligibility, "Players from Russia and Belarus are invited to set neutral flags (or no flag) on their Lichess profile page, and submit a simplified transfer request to FIDE if they reach the Knockout stage. Refusal to do this may result in removal from the event and their place given to the next eligible player."

This is very vague. In fact, it is not even clear whether the refusal to comply with both "invitations" WILL result in a disqualification. Or whether it is a must for Russian and Belarussian players to set their flags on Lichess to something other than their countries' flags (despite Lichess writing in their own blog a few months earlier that they do not believe in the removal of the Russian flag from Lichess). Where do you draw the line?

Otherwise, cool for Lichess. But please make the rules clearer.
A great idea..bravo Lichess....

but I’ll ask this before anyone else does...

How can I improve rapidly so that I can win this title.? What’s the best opening to play so I can win all my games? I’ve got quite a few chess books but which one from all of them gives a cast iron guarantee of developing a thorough understanding of middle and end game tactics?

Don’t mention the Hippo.. I did once but I think I got away with it. :-)
Thanks for this amazing opportunity and making it free Lichess!

One minor problem to note though, the scroll bars of the outline(box) containing the description in the tournament link seems to be restricted and some of the content is cut-off due to this.

Time of event is not visible like usual.
How often will Lichess ofter such an event? Is this an annual event (once per year?).
" Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de gagner !" XD

Merci pour l'invitation !!
Using an Arena format for this is just terrible. At the very least, extra points for winning consecutive games and bazerk should be off.

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