
Using chessbase during live games

@wannabe2700 ,
Wait, let's divide into a few points. Cheating is not what clearly increases your chances of getting a better result, but what you think does increase them+what contradicts the rules. Regarding your attitude - it is great, and I can only congratulate you on having such a treatment of the situation, but a lot of people are fully concentrated while playing online blitz, they get quite upset while losing - do you think someone has the power to fool other people and deprive them of having a good mood and fun playing chess?
Then, yes he lost a lot of time searching this position, but what if instead he consulted his analysis which would take 10 seconds? Where's the border between "oh, cmon, he didn't really benefit from that" and a real abuse? Also, why would it matter that his opponent cheated? He should've reported him and that's it, if cheating was the case.
Well he lost that game, so surely he didn't ruin his opponent's mood. I don't think you will find many streamers using chessbase. You will never even find the others using it. At least I think lichess isn't monitoring that. Engine user -> tilt -> chessbase. So far he hasn't proven to have used chessbase against humans. Nothing for you to fear then.
He abused the rules. I don't think one can even have chessbase running while playing, and if he has, no way he opens it! Regarding cheating - man, he didn't know that his opponent was cheating! So he was INTENTIONALLY abusing the rules while streaming + hiding it.
I'm active in this discussion, as I believe, that we, title holders/coaches/streamers, have responsibility in front of chess amateurs and should promote the game / make people love it as much as we do, not show disrespect to the rules.
That's the thing, I don't agree with those rules. It seems so did Lichess. I can see banning titled players in two ways. One, you ban them easier because of honor. Two, you avoid banning as they lose a lot more than amateurs.
He could have possibly only used chessbase while played this one time...Never before or after...
Why you don't agree with the rules , that a player shouldn't be getting any hints during the game? Chessbase and looking up moves is a hint, listening to a friend who's sitting next is a hint "man, go Rc5 here" - it's not allowed! , having a book in your hands and looking up there is not allowed, and so on. During the game you cannot use anything except for board. It worked and keeps working for OTB chess and online chess too. You cannot play with hands in football outside with friends, because it's not Champions League. If all of them agree - you can. If not - you cannot. Here all the people follow the same rules, if he wants to play following different ones - he should play only people who are aware and do the same and not challenge others.
How on earth does this not result in a ban? Obtaining help outside of a game however it is done is cheating. Come on lichess, this sets a precedent if no action is taken here.
It doesn't make sense to allow an exception to the rules for this player, simply because he has claimed ignorance of the rules. I think it is clear common sense that you cannot consult a database. I have only been playing online Chess for just over 2 years and that much is Crystal Clear to me. Databases are for Analysis/Training only, use of it during a game is no different to Consulting an engine (Many of these databases follow engine lines anyway!)

However, as much as I completely disagree with the premise this is a healthy thing to be doing, I also believe that this player deserves a second chance, despite the fact he should know better.
So, what I found out about the lichess decision is "everyone is allowed to use opening book until you get caught . If that happened , the worst you can get is a warning."

This site is promoting to use opening book.

FYI. "opening database such as brainfish has beyond 30 moves in some lines" .

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