
Anti cheat test

The only problem is how will develop this @thibault and lichess development team, I don't which are the correct criteria for each level, but I'm sure the developers and moderators from statisticals tools can find the correct ones.
With this idea also would limit the game analysis and specially the reports for cheating as there would be no need to report a user with good ROT as the mods allready has check him many time in the past.
"It is discriminating new players which are honest." Not at all, everyone who is honest would rewarded with a star (ROT) and he will be proud, also will limit the bad conversation on the chat that a honest player is using engine. This is a suggestion. I accept your choice and thank you for reply.
#22 Not just the development team but also the moderation team dealing with people grieving about the rules.

On the other hand, an achievement system of some sort which has no functional impact could provide a useful diversion from ratings.
It creates a harmful atmosphere:

'you cant do this right now because you are new, even if you are a concerning adult and even if it is a helpful and useful action, because instead of implementing a simple method to undo it for super admins (on liches this is the report button) we prefer to prevent EVERYBODY from even trying to do it right and learn from their mistakes, because for now new people are USELESS people and you have to WORK to be trusted!'

In all contexts where things can be undone easily, especially in binary world this is a dumb thing to do. It is a usability bug. I see this on Wikipedia, Stackoverflow and other places on the internet. Eg. i cant fix a wrong bracket in a code example on Stackoverflow because i dont have collected enough points. I can not add a useful comment in a forum or say 'thanks dude that was so helpful' because im not a registered member. So the author of the useful post starts to think sooner or later: 'Why am i doing this at all? Why this work? No one seems to need it. No one gives feedback, i should stop wasting my life time with this useless stuff'. It is a pest. These structures prevent love.

Instead of teaching smart people how to teach and inspire new, sometimes dumb people, it creates automated structures which make ALL people become small nitpickers. In the end it creates a world of at best conservative, at worst hateful people and thats what those at the top want. Small people cant analyze their situation and develop smart methods to change things to the better, so that everyone can live in paradise. They are too busy suffering from their lives and hating everyone who does not.

People who say this is not true or not that bad are threats and should be handled with care.

It is that simple.

And this ring of trust is a perfect example of such a useless automated structure.

Im not saying that anyone here wants to sabotage lichess but the idea plus ten more of this type can have this effect. Well, another chess website will rise then, which doesnt do this mistake. Successful things are simple to use.
Another obvious bug of this ring of trust idea is that someone who has reached the highest level of trust can THEN start to cheat and that means that the system actually protects cheaters.
I see no problem. and if cheating should really increase, let more users become cheat detection admins. I guess there will be a lot people who love to do it.

The original idea by @Poldi_der_Drache is interesting as an optional test to get a better start rating. If users refuse to do it they start with 1500, as usual. As a side effect it can be used as an extra indicator in some cheating cases. But i dont think it is really worth the time coding it.

There are more interesting ideas for lichess, like eg. a chess wiki or userblogs. (Im currently working on a parser for a very relaxed chess language (using ) which transforms text with algebraic chess notation lookalike into a mouswheel scrollable text which reflects the current position in the notation on a chessboard. But it sleeps for the next days as i have some other things to do.

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