
Lies from Lichess.

@concrete_steve you don't seem to understand... I'm saying that lichess has 0 way of knowing that it was your wifi and not your anger problems that caused you to leave the game.
So you think that if I'm mad and decide to quit the game, I shouldn't be penalized for it?
Okay I will spell It out. No. You should get a warning saying if this repeatedly happens you will be timed out. But you shouldn't lose games. actully no. Thats stupid. I think make the Time that it takes to get back on 5 minutes. That would solve the problem of wifi and still penalize people who leave
" But you shouldn't lose games."

I'm confused... time to never lose again I guess.
DUDE here is what im saying
- You should get 5 minuets to come back. done
that solves the wifi issue and doesn't let you just leave
30 seconds isnt enough time
5 mins to come back in a 3 mins game? Hmm genius.
Hmmm okay then just let the time run out. You cant wait 3 minutes without doing something?
I wouldn't be happy knowing that people can be disrespectful in all their blitz games and get away with it unscathed.

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