
Should ban players who lose on time without moving for last 3+ minutes.

In OTB chess if you are losing a classic time control game and have 15 minutes left on the clock, would you simply get up and walk out of the venue and is that acceptable?

But if you did, or you went over to another table and started a friendly game of chess, your opponent would see it.

In online chess you can't see what your opponent is actually doing, so have no idea if he is thinking of a way to get something out of the game or has given up but refused to hit the Resign button.

Perhaps putting the word "resign" under the flag (at least on the web version) would make it clearer to newbies where the resign button is.

If I do sneak a game at work I would do so offline, and it has happened that I got called into a sudden meeting and didn't get out in time and timed out. Wasn't losing the game.
Just block them. That is what I do. Every time an opponent disconnect in a lost position, he/she gets blocked. Simple as that. Thanks to Lichess to allow us to block a long list of players.
I block them too....however I wonder if long block lists slow down new game pairings?
@islandification , what if you are playing a classical game and you make a tricky move. Your opponent might think for more than three minutes.
I run down my clock against anyone who waits until the last second to play their opening move. Obviously they are trying to get an edge by being annoying, so I might as well give them one. That way if they win then it hardly counts, and if they lose after I run my clock down to nearly nothing then they're totally humiliated. Plus sometimes they just quit and I claim a victory :)

Otherwise, I wouldn't mind harsher penalties for clock abuse. I don't know much about the system Lichess uses, but it doesn't seem like it'd be that hard to differentiate bad behavior from connection issues-related behavior.
Blocking these people is not very effective, because you rarely are paired with the same player twice anyway. It would be nice if you could set a configuration threshold to not be paired with players whose completion rate is below a set percent. Let them play with each other.
Players at pro level ... yes, but they are paid for their time, wasted or not

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