
Using chessbase during live games

Ok, watched it a couple of times but I didn’t get that. One asks him and I thought he denied...

Sry, then I missed some important parts.
".. I did have chessbase open. no doubts about it, I always do by the way. I never close chessbase on .. I never close chessbase it's something that's I .. whoopsie sorry .. I should reconsider doing cause I could avoid awkwardness like what we are facing now .. I'm so sorry let me pause this .. and um I actually did went into the opening because I wanted to look up uh what grandmasters exactly played this game and as I was doing it uhh you heard the sound that sounds like this. *whistle* which was a illegal move. and I was like yeaa'nah I'm not doing it because I uh um by then I's literally dropping down to next to nothing in time plus I thought that some people might find it yea it's not the right thing to do. is it cheating? ppftftftf, I really don't think so I mean I don't know where they already draw the line in online cheating these days but A. I wasn't looking up moves. B. I wasn't looking up any theoretical lines. C. There was no computer assisted moves ever played in the whole entire game. So, you take your pick. am was I guilty of having chessbase on at the time? yes I I certainly was as said I do stream all the time with my chessbase open partly because as I said I never close it. I do teach a lot more then I stream. so its at all I leave by and use all the time and umm if touching chessbase during a chessgame means that you are cheating then I will confess my sins and by all means bury me and I'm the next nasty dude who cheats in online chess and I'm going to wear it .. "

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Users, both registered and unregistered agree to behave with good conduct whilst using Lichess’ Services. This will always be determined at Lichess’ discretion. Users who don’t behave with good conduct may have their account banned or closed without warning, and their content removed from the site. In all circumstances we withhold the right to ban or close an account for any reason without warning, and without having to provide evidence that Fair Play and Community Guidelines have been breached.

See the following for some examples of what you shouldn’t do.

1. Cheating. We define this as using any external assistance to strengthen your knowledge and, or, calculation ability to gain an unfair advantage over your opponent. Some examples would include computer engine assistance, opening books (except for correspondence games), endgame tablebases, and asking another player for help, although these aren’t the only things we would consider cheating.

so from this story have learned that Chessbase is not allowed by lichess. Mr Toth is given a 2nd chance (curious if he's the 1st "rule-breaker" to get one) lichess gives 2nd chances. (probably need a title or patron)

... what 1st became using chessbase to look up GMs games became tried to make an illegal move and trying to say this is all casual respectful play for online chess!?

Well not sure where Mr Toth comes from but I'd like to welcome you to Earth my friend, this hear is called internet and that there was called cheating as far as I can tell. Having chessbase open all the time should remain hidden in the taskbar never to be seen during online games (except correspondence by lichess) but for me in my opinion this was unfair play and there's no way of knowing how many more times this was done in the past to "check for GM games & try making moves in chessbase" besides the statements " .. I use it all the time .. "

I believe he deserves a 2nd chance for being honest and owning up to it even tho he should have owned up to it Live saying "let me check chessbase" instead of keeping his actions secretive which would only suggest he understands the consequences of his actions, but anywho we all make mistakes and we learn from them and I feel he's learned his and do hope he can maintain the same dignity and respect.

But far as I'm concerned. all his online games in the past leading up to this point must be put into question. It's very possible none of them seen chessbase on the side. but by way he suggest making moves in chessbase is "not cheating" then am inclined to believe it's been done before.

And that's what Soul thinks

He did not admit he is using chessbase during live games.
He said it is open basically all the time.
If anything, in that particular situation he got baited into checking the claim by his opponent that x GMs played that line.
To me the whole situation looked like his passion for chess and discussing certain positions made him forget that this is an extreeeeeemly serious and important, rated online game and not a casual chat with friendly people, who enjoy watching him play and sharing knowledge for free.
He just wanted to know if this claim is true. Btw a claim like this basically means your opponent is looking at a database right now....

Yeah he was like "uhm shit should have checked that later..." when he realized that it was an extreeeeeemly serious and important rated online game. But that somehow makes it even cute as if you watch carefully you can see he is the total opposite to an experienced power cheater some people like to see here.
Get over it dudes with the burning sticks. You are in _very_ little danger to be cheated by him...

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