
pawn things my memos etc...

well rank2 is another compromise. and if used would be another abstraction convention... half baked.. maybe best is cold shower. just the order file number dimension from 1 to 8. file presence.. or rank intergratoin, same thing.
oh. yes the universer for now is 39 such. but I would like my descriptor to be flexible for all legal positoin pawn masks (acceptable word, I gather from existing few database softwares, like chessbase, and others using some search parameters on position information to filter database. Those are usually using masks of presence at specific grid coordinates, of also filterable material type and color, AFAIK, and can recall at this instant (I might fluctuate, like anyone, right?).

not wanting to jargonize on the math side (and if so, only as alternate angle, to keep alive the muse of that being feasible by me or anyone picking it up, one can dream and keep on making that less pure invention, but increasing plausible in own eyes as new data is considered and learning keeps far still alive that thin thread of possible).

so parallel languages, or pseudo, as if one did not notice, I am not only thinking, but verbalize it for good or bad about how representative of the full thinking, given my language abilitity state (itself maybe bad or good, and possibly fluctuating from internal, or external factors, or even the communication goal, and the object of the thinking, its intrinsic complexity).

so.. shrink boards to one abstract rank.. for each side.. but that could be 2 components already.. since the PSs seem to come already packaged with the 2 sides full board placement specs (another topic of research**), well, the names to learn for communicating about the real chess learnable about them, will need that too. so. for now.. both sides assumed intentional file placement specification. 2 abstract ranks as candidate first variation component among the 39. The chess in that? well, not my stance, but if asked I could ramble about it too. would be chess talk I guess. .and how yes.. my current understanding of the word "island".. if named and meaning what I think it means, it does not care about rankeness, more about file.. so do semi-open about the other side pawn, and so might inherit the open files.. notice the slow motion in words per ideas about splitting semi-open from open explicitely. (well just spending a sentence on it, I could just have thought it, but I want to share it). Let's dissect a bit too deep first to then go back up (arbitrary level orientation but needing one) and maybe keep debating always, just with different levels of confidence.. degrees everywhere.. then less likley to miss an thing in the in between that might have been useful.

so many arguements to jusfify what I want to do... but I guess if I keep banging my head on not making sense when not justifying, maybe more explanation or different iterations might find the acceptable version that transmits the sense.

idea: why don't I rekindle myself with past R familiarity. I found out it also has wrappers for n4j graph database platfrom (need to make sure that some version of represented graphs do behave from user end as those of virustotal for URL graphs for their object of investigation)..

in any case I could create a non-chess database containing names to learn (could be plural) including PSs, their full FEN. (other knowledge can then be grafted as I understand their nature, some ideas there, I was lying about my full ignorant status but not enough to screw or skew this "experiment" I can easy go silly again, no challenge, just need to be exhausted, or hopeless, or whatever may numb the mind, maybe even too enthusiastic, and tunnel vision? one passion might be another obsession... I think as long as not circling and imagination going, somethings must be going good..

I could start with tables .. name of named PS, FEN of named PS, FLORES familiy, various FEN "projections" or slices.. that together can reconstruct the FEN.. so I can also see them in some visualization mode (the reason I was considering the rank2 artifice for file presence)..

I think my ideas of today are all in here.. and more.. can pause this to vary my chess study regimen. I am not dead set on this.. this is fun and experiement.. I just need to give it the unapologetic attention it needs.. and find the right proportion of my pseudo parallel or activity of chess study time sharing . whatever. too tired to explain, just convincing myself is enough for now...

** research: for me learning is also research and discovery, as I assume my ignorance status with no pretention otherwise, more honest, more naïve more possible perception useful for my own self, success may differ with user type, more awareness of external knowledge infiltrations in the descriptors which could in theory make them less perceptible by the learner, me, as subjective data point, with pretension of self-awareness. lots of self. I form, is also an act of transparency.. I am trying to give the keys with my writing for its possibly critical reading, at any time. makes for some burying. but sticking with it I can improve, and so might the reading.. but do not suffer on my account. So this pattern of checking the stuff that goes in with full vigilance, makes it more fun. how is that possible.. I would not know. only one life is my Occam razor assumption.

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