
Links to studies about tactics and puzzle solving

Post the links to Lichess studies which deal with tactics in this topic.
👨‍🎓Tactical motifs - Tutorial👨‍🎓

🍄 Puzzle Solving - Tutorial - 2000-2500 🍄

Study with 60 mates (#1, #2, #3)
🔥Mate runner #1-2-3 - Puzzle Rush🔥

Study with 60 mates (#4, #5, #6,#7)
🔥Mate runner #4-5-6-7 - Puzzle Rush🔥
Someone posted the link to this study today in the forum.
All puzzles had a very high rating when this study was produced.
All puzzles have a number over 120.000. In this area there are a lot of puzzles with inflated ratings because these puzzles were not played by enough people.

(Including my stupid comment in the chat, which I made last September)
I played through these puzzles quickly. I remembered none of these puzzles.
All puzzles still have a very high rating.
From my point of view, the ratings are still to high for these puzzles.
More people have to get these puzzles. But it seems that this doesn't happen because everybody here at Lichess starts with the puzzles in the area around no. 60000. Only a few people have the stamina to play so many puzzles that they finally get these puzzles.
Study with 27 checkmates.

I cloned this study and made all chapters interactive to make them playable.
Don't click on the "Like Button" in this study. Open the original study if you want to "Like" it.
The visibility mode of this study is "unlisted".
From my studies:

-Simple Tactics II

-Checkmate Patterns Named

-Tactics Internalized (each chapter is linked to a study on that chapter's tactical motif)

- Tactics I

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