
Could you make a preference option to disable + 15 seconds?

So I see by the discussion all the ( mostly well founded on either side ) pros and cons the developers have to think and decide about - no easy job for sure - and a compliment to them for taking all the trouble.
I was actually advocating a non - HARD CODED & handmade pop-up solution.... I like well-worn SOFT solutions: The equivalent of a crayon/ marker & cardboard box sign that could be flashed when needed. Dio_gd will be dealt with on the other thread
Yes, I agree with the original poster, I want a disable 15 seconds button. It is usually used just to annoy your opponent
The only time I ever see it used is when my opponent is hopelessly lost and I still have plenty of time. It's just another lame attempt at annoying you, like continually offering draws.

I'd disable it for rated games if I could.

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