
Black Lives Matter

Not in here too. Why do you want to support people destroying their cities? Floyd case had nothing to do with racism. Maybe something to do with police brutality, but I wasn't there and there are only few videos, so we don't see the whole case. I hate when everything has to have something to do with racism according to some people.

The real reason why this got viral, was covid-19. People got bored at staying home. I cannot support people spreading virus like this for reason like this.
@Hierophantc4 and there you go again, confirming what I just wrote above: BLM supporters have Superiority Complex on Steroids. Anyone who disagrees with BLM must be inferior, untermenschen, socially and genetically defective. How soon will you be calling for us to be "relocated" to "reservations" or "wotk camps"?
@Chillkroete77 I see you can't stop lying, gaslighting, and jumping to conclusions to "score points". I never denied police brutality, but to you, I am in the same mental category as someone else wbo did, and we "all look alike" to you--I know your mindset. I assumed you were American, and now still suspect you are just pretending to be German. You come across with a uniquely Anglo-American brand of ignorance, brainwashing, and dishonesty.

For my info, I mostly stick to print or internet for news. If TV is my only option at the moment, I usually check CNN or PBS (on PBS World they show Deutsche Welle and NHK Tokyo news every morning). In general, I avoid American TV News, because it's pretty much all garbage. On the Internet, I can also check British, Russian, Chinese, Latin American news. Every nation puts a different spin on events, and highlights/hides different facts. Checking a wide variety of sources exposes many blind spots.
@Hierophantc4 Easy my man. I did not even say one of those things, where do you get this from? Who do you think you are to put this words in my mouth? You don't know a single thing about me. You seems to be so full of anger and hatred. I only said that I disagree with how this George Floyd tragedy is being exploited by certain parties, and all of a sudden there is this you who blames me to be a racist conservative who thinks in terms of tribes, hates black people, is like Ronald Reagan, etc. etc.

This is disgusting behaviour. Don't think that what you are trying to make of me, influences how I think about myself in any way. It only proves me how some of those people (including you) are so full of hatred that they get this built-in reflex that tells them that everyone who disagrees just a little with them, must thus be someone from the other camp who is opposing everything that you are standing for.

Try to not think like that in life, it does not help you and will not change anything at all, because people do not take you seriously anymore. On top of that, it will make you extremely resenful and it will only contribute to even more anger and hatred in this world, but sadly you do not see that yet. I hope you'll learn this one day.
@sosumisai "I usually check CNN", "In general, I avoid American TV News, because it's pretty much all garbage." Huh, what is up with that? And I agree with the second statement.
But anyway: If you don't deny police brutality and you don't deny that the problems with the police are in the system, where is the gaslighting and lying? Those are the points I've been making for two days only to hear "No, that's a lie" without any explanation.
Racism has been always and everywhere. The difference now: people have cameras.
Really? It seems to be achieving the cultural marginalization of the people who deserve to be marginalized; Much like how the riots succeeded in securing charges against Derek Chauvin and the people who helped him murder a man in broad daylight. After decades of growing police power and brutality, the rabid dogs are now lashing out like a cornered animal precisely because they know they are cornered and - thanks to the growing anger at police brutality and the resultant riots - are facing the loss of their power thanks to the tide of the culture war turning against them. You're insulated from this reality by your refusal to look at reality and your preference for staying tucked away in your center-right neoliberal bubble.

It seems like you're just repeating the feel-good consumerist neoliberal platitudes of the 90s even as it's obviously, demonstrably wrong. Writing letters to the trashcan of your Congressman and being nice doesn't bring change, and recent events stand to prove this. Have fun joining the dinosaurs.

Robert E. Lee also considered the abolitionists to be vile, intolerant people who would have tolerated his ownership of slaves if they were truly tolerant. Nothing changes.
Also, I find it a bit amusing that all the right-wingers are extremely low-rated and all the USCF Expert or Master-level players are pro-Black Lives Matter. Funny coincidence, that.
#908 why isn't more white people killed by the police if it's not a race thing ? if it's only a police brutality issue then everyone would get the end of that stick, but unfortenatly only the minorities are affected by it. you can hide your racisim behind false accusation of Covid-19 as far as i'm concerned, if you're not living in the U.S wich was made in your statement cuz no one in the U.S isn't aware of the situation or haven't seen enough to make there opinion, then you can't say these people are spreading the virus ... it's a shame that even in 2020 we're still talking about race and oppression ...

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