
Black Lives Matter

@Mouadjoundy There can be difference in behavior in those situations. Of course more aggressive criminal is treated in more aggressive manner, because police has to take care of himself and people around him. There is no proof that the reason is racism and not how black people behave in these situations.

It's really funny that you have this religious devotion to the idea that Derek Chauvin, a police officer with a history of brutalizing minorities murdering an innocent black man (over a false accusation of him writing a bad check) in broad daylight in full view of a group of civilians with the help of several officers *MUST* have nothing to do with racism. You require it to be true that racism had nothing to do with the murder of George Floyd despite the fact there is no evidence of this and plenty of evidence of the alternative.

Why would a white person be so frothing-at-the-mouth desperate to say that racism had nothing to do with something in the face of evidence? Why would someone be so invested in believing that racism is over and had nothing to do with anything when statistics, facts, and logic show that's not the case?

Well, the only people who benefit from pretending racism doesn't exist is racists. William Buckley also vehemently protested that racism wasn't a problem and that he wasn't a racist while he was defending segregation. The shoe fits you 'people' just fine.
For anyone not speaking russian: She says that the police should be thanked for murdering Floyd because he was an antisocial element.
@pohqmoasd отвали!
Well, seems like the mods deleted her comment. Good.
@Hierophantc4 you and @Chillkroete77 must have been issued the same "BLM supporter playbook" because you both use the same dirty tricks of smearing, gaslighting, Straw Man, etc.

Nowhere did I mention anything about Robert E Lee or the Civil War, but you just assumed, with prejudice, I was some kind of Confederate/KKK supporter. Because that's what your playbook tells you: "everyone who disagrees with BLM must be KKK"

What about all the Black Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Black Africans, and people on other continents who disagree with BLM? Are they all KKK too?

BLM is just ONE group of black people, and they are a minority among black people. There's a whole spectrum of opinion out there. Many see BLM as a divisive group which makes racial relations WORSE instead of better, abd ultimately hurts black people by provoking racial bickering and fighting.

"How black people behave in these situations"
Yes, an innocent man resisting an unlawful arrest for a crime he didn't commit is what caused a police officer with a history of brutalizing minorities to kneel on his throat for nine minutes. It's also what caused the police coroner to say 'it was an accident his death had nothing to do with Chauvin kneeling on his throat', I suppose.

If you blame innocent black people for being murdered - it's because you're racist.
@sosumisai You're deflecting. Please explain where I am gaslighting people if you don't deny that there is police brutality and that the problems with the police are systemic.

Oh yeah, we got the BLM Destroy America handbook from George Soros at the Gay Islamic Communism convention after the Juggalo Coup. You found us out, oh no!
@sosumisai 75% of black people think racism is a serious problem as opposed to white people, of whom only 30% think racism is a serious problem (since it doesn't and will never affect them). How's that for a 'group of black people'?

We all want equality throughout the whole world,
Remember George Floyd and support Black Lives Matter

Religious? I just say what can be seen from the material available. I have not watched it all, because I am not too interested, but I think I've seen enough. If it has something to do with racism, why nobody cannot show any proof? In that video I don't see any hate or nothing like that. He is just keeping Floyd on the ground. We don't see why he got put there in a first place. Maybe we hear it when he tells it. Nobody doesn't even seem to care what Floyd did and that he was arrested for armed robbery earlier.

It seems that you have decided that this was about racism and you don't need any proof, because you just say it is so. I am not like that. I want truth and nothing else. Sadly media is also decided what to think and their news are far from objective. Also everyone is scared that they are called racists, which is bad for their business. Therefore they almost have to write news with certain tone. It's sad that so many people don't see this and they just believe everything they hear.

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