
Search "user:aurimus"

112 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess Opening Explorer. Must have feature.#32

Incredible job, that's the number one opening explorer on the net now!

Lichess Feedback - Are staff members reading this forum ?#22

I didn't know there was a staff..

Lichess Feedback - Lichess feels slower with new design#1

After adding the spinners everywhere, the site actually feels slower.. like for example when you request a raw, takeback, rematch .. it used to feel instant (I know, maybe it wasn't), but now it is a …

Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis assessed player diaconnect#6

Yes, what I mean is that, whether connection problem is caused by lichess server or is on the frontend - it should not be possible to claim unjust victory. Seeing through the position with Analysis wo…

Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis assessed player diaconnect#1

I often have connection problems, then the other player claims sometimes unjust victory. What about assessing the intermediate result with computer analysis and only allowing draw or not giving points…

Lichess Feedback - What's the number in the corner?#1

Hey, I have disabled all filters (for all games to be visible), and the number in the corner by the gear icon is 3, what does it mean?…

Lichess Feedback - 2 suggestions#15

In the end, edge for 3min for bullet, 7min for blitz is probably arbitrary, it has to be I guess.. what other way would there be to determine that? .. Even following FIDE would still be following some…

Lichess Feedback - 2 suggestions#10

@emanuel, did you lookup blitz in english dictionary? I can't any reference to speed of light. In any case, look here

Lichess Feedback - keep playing after result?#15

@kroqster, not a popup, a button besides Rematch there's a mockup in the Github, here: Your point is good, but I'm thinking about impl…

Lichess Feedback - 2 suggestions#6

I would rather have Classical divided into Rapid and Classical (the way it is at FIDE)
